Avengers Assemble!
Overwhelmed, but no longer in a bad way. I’ve moved from shock to sadness to white-hot rage to laughing heartily and having a resolute fighting spirit this week. Some weeks back, I had written a poem and the concluding line was “my laugh lines are proof I laughed through it all”. I intend for it to be that way. Heck, you could even write it on my tombstone or on my Facebook wall when I die.
I could write a whole book on just the fierceness of my friends’ love alone. They are the reason I have moved through these phases quickly. This motley crew of superhero friends God has assembled for me has not just pledged their precious do’as, but expertise, contacts, resources and even finances. I mean, SERIOUSLY.
Just a week before this crappy week happened, I had told a friend “I really feel like the richest person in the world”. I still feel that way. My family and my friends are my greatest treasures mashaAllah and they are for me the biggest signs of God’s Love.
This song has been in my head and I think of my very own Avengers crew, (especially my BFF of 17 years ❤ who is currently bunking with me) for the solidness of their friendship — Could I love you (guys) any more? It’s inexhaustible.
(Also, what heavenly caramel latte smooth voice is this?? MashaAllah!)(And 5000 points coz the music video was shot in Singapore!)
Allah, bless my Shaykh, family & friends and reward them with the best in this life and the next. Allah, return back to them a thousand times the goodness they wish upon me, and even more!