Craving for a Mountain View

Ameera Aslam
2 min readJul 31, 2019


Yes, I realise I’m always looking for a mountain view or looking forward to the next time I can be amongst mountains, especially when life gets a tad overwhelming. Which is what this week has turned out to be. “A tad overwhelming” being a very polite euphemism.

Trying to summon the feelings I had when this picture was taken — my smallness, my awe at the solid solid mountains and knowing if God created these mountains, and He created me, then He can take care of me no problem, letting my tiny concerns be put in perspective in a very visual way:

Tiny me in Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia. October 2018
Tiny me at Tram Ton Pass, Sapa, Vietnam. March 2018

I also speak about Du’a An-Nasiri a lot. I love it so much. I thought after having read it so often, I already knew what my favourite parts were. This time round though, these parts specifically spoke out to me.

“Direct our hopes to the Abiding Abode” — how did I miss this the past few years??

What a beautiful supplication! Direct our hopes to the Abiding Abode, yes please.

And again, my other favourite parts for always:

The entire affair returns to You,
and the release or conclusion of all matters is in Your hand.

We have presented our affair before You,
and we complain to You of our weakness.

Have mercy on us, O You Who know our weakness
and continue to be merciful.

You are the One on Whom We call to remove our adversities,
and You are the One we hope will dispel our sorrows.

You have such concern for us that we cannot hope for protection
which comes through any other door.

To you, our Lord, we have stretched out our hands
and from You, our Lord, we hope for kindness.

Be kind to us in what You decree
and let us be pleased with what pleases You.



Ameera Aslam
Ameera Aslam

Written by Ameera Aslam

Award-winning poet! Giggler, hoper, high-fiver, kindness enthusiast.

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