O Allah, grant strength and comfort to those whose marriages are not built on the foundations of mercy and kindness. O You Who Turns Hearts, make their love for You and Your Beloved so strong in their hearts that losing the love for their abuser is easier to bear.
O Allah, for every insult and demeaning word that is uttered in contempt from a spouse, You grant clarity to the victim to see that this is not what You intended for marriage. O Allah, for every threat and every blow to the body of your servant at the hands of one who is supposed to protect, You remove the strength from the abuser’s hands and make them realize their mistakes.
O Allah, if we lose faith in our spouse and the institution of marriage, never let us lose faith in You. If a spouse has broken us and made us believe we are unworthy of the love of anyone, much less the Divine, then You prove them wrong O Allah and fill our hearts with contentment in You and with You and love us so much and send people who will love us and support us and remind us of Your Love.
O Allah, we know we have sins but we ask you to forgive us our sins and not leave us to be punished by people who claim to love us. Our friends and our relatives are in abusive marriages O Allah and where we fail to help them, You help them please. There’s only so much we can do.
O Allah, protect the women and the children if their spouse/father won’t protect them. O Allah, forgive us when we doubt someone who confides in us about the abuse in their lives. O Allah, You hear their desperate pleas and their tears are not hidden from You, then let their pleas be seen and tears be heard by someone who can help them, for You know abusers isolate their victims from their family and friends.
O Allah, replace all our hurts with that which is infinitely better, not just in the next life but in this life too, for You are the Most Generous. O Allah, grant peace and love and mercy in our marriages. O Allah, deliver a swift victory to abuse victims and grant them safety and healing and restore their strength and belief and confidence in themselves and in You.
O Allah, when family and friends refuse to help or support victims, you send Your helpers to them for there is no help without Your Help. When family and friends enable the abuser to continue his abuse, You enable the victim to draw strength from You to fight for what is right, for there is no strength if not from You.
O Succour of the poor, we trust in You!
O Cave of the weak, we rely on You!
You are the One on Whom We call to remove our adversities,
and You are the One we hope will dispel our sorrows.
You have such concern for us that we cannot hope for protection which comes through any other door.
O Saviour of the drowning! O Compassionate!
O rescuer of the lost! O Gracious Bestower!
Words are lacking, O Hearing, O Answerer!
The cure is difficult, O Swift! O Near!
To you, our Lord, we have stretched out our hands
and from You, our Lord, we hope for kindness.
Be kind to us in what You decree
and let us be pleased with what pleases You.
O Allah, we ask for healing for our community. We ask You to cure the injuries that we can’t see and those that we can. We ask for justice and safety for abuse victims and to right the wrongs of the abusers and to rectify them.
Glory be to You, the Lord of Might above what they describe. And peace be upon those You sent. And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
If you think that you are in an abusive situation, please reach out and speak to someone who can help.
1) AWARE Helpline — 1800 774 5935 (Mon–Fri, 3 pm– 9.30 pm)
2) AMP Counselling Helpline — 6416 3960 (Mondays to Fridays, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm)
These Family Service Centres specialise in counselling related to family violence:
1) PAVE (
2) TRANS Centre (SAFE Centre — Stop Abuse in Families) (
3) Care Corner Project StART (