Rabiulawwal Reflections Day 2: Annabi Sollu Alayh
In the spirit of creating new Rabiulawwal traditions, I’m reading the following 2 books for this month inshaAllah and will be sharing my favourite bits here.
For Day 2 of Rabiulawwal, let us give thanks to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ for the sacrifices he made so that we may receive the faith today, though 1441 years separate us from him.
From “Muhammad: His Character & Beauty”:
“No grace, whether open or hidden, has come to us, and by which we have obtained good fortune in our religious or worldly matters or by which misfortune has been lifted from one or both of them [the religious or worldly matters], except that Muhammad ﷺ is the cause thereof, and the one who has lead us to its goodness and guided us to the best of it.”
“Man is predisposed to love beautiful qualities and the one described with them; and there are no qualities more beautiful and more perfect than the Prophet’s ﷺ, so there is no doubt whatsoever that anyone who examines them — so long as his heart is not sealed with a seal of misguidance — will love the one who possesses them ﷺ with certitude. Without doubt, the increase and decrease in faith (iman) is directly proportionate to the increase and decrease of one’s love for the Prophet ﷺ, and the good-pleasure of Allah Most High, eternal bliss, and the delights and degrees of the people of Paradise are all in direct proportion to the servant’s love for the Prophet ﷺ, just as Allah’s displeasure, eternal damnation, and the torment and descending levels of Hell for its denizens are all in direct proportion to one’s hatred for the Prophet ﷺ.
May Allah make us of those who follow the Prophet ﷺ in his upright way and his straight path, and may He resurrect us under his Standard (liwa’) among his lovers — may salutations and prayers be upon him and all of them!”
Qasidah for Day 2: Annabi by Haqqani Maulid Ensemble
Transliteration & translation:
Annabiy sollu alayh
Solawatullahi alayh
Waya nalul barokah
Kulluman solla alayh — x2
The Prophet, send salutations upon him
Salutations from Allah upon him
May the blessings of Allah be upon him
And upon all who send salutations upon him
Annabi ya hadhirin
I’lamu ilmal yaqin
Anna robbal ‘alamiin
Faradho solata alaihi
The Prophet, O you in attendance,
Know this with certainty,
Verily the Lord of All Worlds,
Has made the salawat (sending salutations upon the Prophet) an obligation.
Annabiy ya man hadhor
Annabiy khairul bashar
Wandana lahul qomar
Wanazal sallam alayh
The Prophet, O you in attendance,
The Prophet is the best of all men,
The stars and the moon draw near
And bow to him, so send salutations upon him.
Annabiy sollu alayh
Solawatullahi alayh
Waya nalul barokah
Kulluman solla alayh
The Prophet, send salutations upon him
Salutations from Allah upon him
May the blessings of Allah be upon him
And upon all who send salutations upon him
Annabiy zakal aruus
Dzikruhu yuhyi nufuus
Annasoro wal majus
Aslamu ala yadayh
The Prophet, he’s like a bridegroom,
Remembering him brings life to the soul,
The Persians and Zoroastrians
accepted Islam at his hands.
Annabiy zakal malayh
Qauluhu qaulun sohih
Wal Qur’an shay’un fasih
Alladhi unzil alayh
The Prophet, his essential nature is beauty,
When he speaks, he speaks the truth,
And the Qur’an is sophisticated and glorious,
That which has been revealed to the Prophet.
Annabiy sollu alayh
Solawatullahi alayh
Waya nalul barokah
Kulluman solla alayh
The Prophet, send salutations upon him
Salutations from Allah upon him
May the blessings of Allah be upon him
And upon all who send salutations upon him
Annabiy yahlal arab
Annabiy mad’hu dhorob
Alhabib aalin-nasab
Solawatullahi alayh
The Prophet, O you Arabs
The Prophet, praise of him is the best kind of music,
The Beloved, the highest/most noble of lineages
Upon him, send your salutations
Al-Hasan summal Hussein
Linnabi qurrotul ayn
Nuruhum kal kaukabain
Jadduhum sollu alayh
Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein
are the lights in the Prophet’s eyes
Their lights are like the stars,
Upon their grandfather, send your salutations
Annabiy sollu alayh
Solawatullahi alayh
Waya nalul barokah
Kulluman solla alayh — x3
The Prophet, send salutations upon him
Salutations from Allah upon him
May the blessings of Allah be upon him
And upon all who send salutations upon him