Rabiulawwal Reflections Day 3: Khayral Bariyyah
I’m sharing one of my favourite qasidahs today — recording, transliteration and translation below. And one of my heart’s greatest desires besides dreaming/seeing the Prophet ﷺ is to be able to kiss his hand. So today’s sharing from the book “Muhammad: His Character and Beauty” is on his sweat and natural scent.
Muslim narrated from Anas who said, “The Messenger of Allah ﷺ would perspire much.” His sweat appeared on his face like beads of pearls, and it was finer in scent than the strongest musk.”
The palms of the Prophet’s hands ﷺ were softer than silk and his scent was like that of the hand of a perfumer, whether he applied scent or not. When he ﷺ would shake someone’s hand, that person would smell the Prophet’s scent upon him for the remainder of his day.
Anas said, “I have touched neither silk nor brocade softer than the palms of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ.”
Qasidah for Day 3: Khayral Bariyyah / O best of God’s Creation by Singapore Haqqani Ensemble
(Repeat each line twice)
Khayral bariyyah, nazhrah ilayya
Ma anta illa ya Sidi kanzul ‘atiyyah
O best of God’s creation, keep an eye on me/take a look my way
You are, O master, God’s most precious gift/treasure
Ya bahra fadhli, wa taja adli
Jud li bi waslin ya Sidi qablal maniyyah
O sea of grace, and throne of fairness/justice
May you grant me reunion, O master, before I pass away
Khayral bariyyah, nazhrah ilayya
Ma anta illa ya Sidi kanzul ‘atiyyah
O best of God’s creation, keep an eye on me/look my way
You are, O master, God’s most precious gift/treasure
Hashaaka taghfal, anna wa tabkhal
Ya khayra mursal ya Sidi irham shajiyyah
God forbid, you have never been heedless of us or stingy
O best messenger, O master, may you have mercy on my grief
Khayral bariyyah, nazhrah ilayya
Ma anta illa ya Sidi kanzul ‘atiyyah
O best of God’s creation, keep an eye on me/take a look my way
You are, O master, God’s most precious gift/treasure
Kamza unadi, ya khayra hadi
Qasdi muradi ya Sidi adt-fan alayya
I am tirelessly calling for your help, O best guide
My desire and my intention, O master, is to see you feel compassion for me
Khayral bariyyah, nazhrah ilayya
Ma anta illa ya Sidi kanzul ‘atiyyah
O best of God’s creation, keep an eye on me/take a look my way
You are, O master, God’s most precious gift/treasure
In the recording, after the line above, they sing another qasidah called “Tholama Ashku Ghoromi”
Tholama ashku ghoromi, ya nurol wujud
Wa unadi ya tihami, ya ma’dinal jud
For so long I have been burdened with the weight of my longing, O light of existence
Calling “O scion of Tihama”, O you who always showed extreme generosity
Ya sirajal anbiya’i, ya aalil janab
Ya imaamal atqiya’i, inna qalbi zab
O light for all Prophets, O Honourable Prophet
O leader of all God-fearing ones, my heart is sinking