#RamadanRuminations Day 13: Opposites
These blessings were not a mistake
They came to the right person — me
The size and duration of the blessing was written
And I am so thankful
These tests are not a mistake
They came to the right person — me
The size and duration of the test was written
And I am so thankful
So many years (really?) on the spiritual path
And the difference between them is slowly narrowing
A blessing in my eye was actually a test
And the tests have always been blessings
Being patient when tested
Being thankful when blessed
Now I’m thankful when tested
And patient when blessed
God teaches me by opposites
I only knew love when the grief consumed me
I only knew faith when the doubts ruined me
I only knew Him when I lost me
And I know Him more the more I know me
So many things I knew on paper
But like plastic fruit, it was tasteless
After years of struggle, some things are finally easy
My heart don’t fight as much
Some things I let it be
“Knowledge is a light in the heart”
For so long I didn’t understand
My mind couldn’t comprehend
Ah but the mind is not the cognitive organ
It was always the heart my friend
No fame or money or lineage could influence
The arrival at knowledge or wisdom
No, it is only struggle and sincerity
And good intentions
That would bring one to spiritual fruition