#RamadanRuminations Day 16: Logic
I’m not sure why it took a while for me to GET this but when I finally did, I was like WOAHHHH OKAY OKAY. The times when I felt closest to God, or when I felt like I genuinely, sincerely, no-other-motive-ly sought Him, was when I was completely heartbroken/lost/in need.
Otherwise, I’m like la-di-da enjoying His blessings. I pray and make du’a but probably robotically and it was just the form but not the essence.
So logically, since
a) He loves when we call out on Him, and
b) calling out on Him is good for me spiritually and
c) I only do so when I’m broken, therefore
= He sends me tests lah.
Now I try, or at least I aspire to seek Him and thank Him and nurture that connection with Him while dancing in blessings, and not wait till I get a metaphorical roundhouse kick from dunya to do so.