The Chronic Optimist Loses Her Sparkle
The past month or so has been the hardest in a while. Some days I feel like I’m finally out of the grime but soon enough, it’s dark again.
The truth is, I feel defeated. I am that big, fat hoper. The chronic optimist. The one who can find something funny in any tragedy. But I am empty now. I’ve got nothing.
I am tired. It has been relentless.
So this is me collecting small acts of love to fill me up in the meantime.
One: My bff not believing me when I said I’ll feel better soon.
Thank you Fana for not believing my “I’ll be fine, don’t worry”, and for caring for my mind.
Two: Getting ready in the morning together, Jason Mraz on my morning playlist, specifically this song:
She then matter-of-fact-ly says “I am better with you.” Just. Like its a fact. Rock solid. We see each other in person once a year. And yet, she had that surety and conviction about me. It’s truly that simple. I deserve this.
Thank you Angelique for making me better too. And for reminding me how simple & easy it should be.
Three: Baba Khan’s go-to when I’m down: “Should I send more photos of the kids?”
Haha and my reply “Yes please. Always.” He proceeded to send me photos and videos of the Little Khans and telling me the book I got them is Irfan’s favourite at the moment and how he reads it every morning.
Thank you Little Khans for merely existing & loving me with your little hearts. And Mummy Khan and Baba Khan for making them.
Four: Today, I got an email reply from an organisation I had enquired something about. Look at this beauty. It made me cry. A complete stranger made this do’a for me.
I’m not okay. But I will be.
In time. InshaAllah.